
Showing posts from October, 2021

Fact or Fiction: Rats Can Make You Sick

  FACT.   Rats   are one of the most common pest issues homeowners face. Rats are known for being destructive by gnawing on structures in and around your home including utility pipes, wood structures, and wiring. In addition to the structural damage, rats can cause, it is also possible for rats to pose serious health risks to humans.   Diseases caused by rats   can be transmitted through bites or scratches.  Rat feces illness   can be transmitted to humans through rat droppings and urine left around your home. Humans can also get sick through contaminated food caused by rats running across countertops where food is later prepared. Just how sick can rats make you? Here are some common  rat-borne diseases  found in the United States. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a viral illness spread by deer mice, cotton rats, rice rats, and white-footed mice. HPS is spread by direct contact with  rodents  or their...

Is rat urine harmful to humans?

  Rodent nibbles and scratches can bring about illness and rodent chomp fever. Rodent pee is liable for the spread of leptospirosis, which can bring about liver and kidney harm. It can likewise be contracted through taking care of or inward breath of scat. Confusions incorporate renal and liver disappointment, just as cardiovascular issues.  Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), a viral irresistible illness, is communicated through the salivation and pee of rodents. A few people experience long-haul impacts of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, while others experience just brief distress. 

Weil's disease (leptospirosis)

  Weil's disease is a form of a bacterial infection also known as Leptospirosis that is carried by animals, most commonly in rats and cattle. What is it? Weil's disease is a secondary phase of a form of a bacterial infection also known as Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis can infect almost any animal where it is harbored in the kidneys, but most commonly it is found in rats and cattle and is spread by their urine. It is not known to cause any noticeable illness in rats, so populations are unaffected by high levels of infection. It is one of the most widespread zoonosis (disease spread from animals to humans) in the world, where it is most common in tropical and subtropical environments. Those who participate in water sports, come into contact with untreated water, and work in or near water are at a higher risk than others as it is most commonly passed to humans through water contaminated by rat urine. Rats Infection Infection of humans usually occurs where open wounds are immersed ...